Thursday, February 17, 2011

Get 'er done!

 This is one half of what I have done. It's a tube, so I can't show the whole thing at one time. I've got two more up-down sections and then I have to cut the tube open. I don't hate it as much as I did when I put it away, and it's not as difficult as I imagined it would be. I've given up on pinning each intersection...who can see if they meet or not anyway.

I decided to take the photo of the tube and make a mock-up of what the finished top might look like.

If nothing interesting (isn't that what we say about something that we don't want to insult?) It doesn't particularly wow me, but it will be DONE...and I won't have to think about it again. I don't know if I'll use this method again, but who knows, I could have a crazy moment sometime in the future.

 Oh, and see the pink and four-patch purple that were transposed in the lower right part of this quilt. I didn't notice, but one of my readers did and was kind enough to point it's corrected.

Thanks anonymous!


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

It looks wonderful! I am so excited that you are still tackling this project. Can't wait to see it all finished too.....

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you finished your Totally Tubular Quilt. I love the colors you chose. Please check out my You tube channel for more quilts made using this concept.
Lately I am calling it Tubello.

Rita Hutchens


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