Here is the quilting I have done on the SnW so far. Not much, and not very fancy, but it gets the job done. I don't know what I am going to do in the vertical sashing yet, but it will be simple too.
I have one whole column quilted and have started the next. |
You can see the backing/batting, a simple blue fleece. |

And here is what I did with most of my day today. I know it doesn't look like much, but I sanded, vacuumed, wiped down, then put some wood filler on the unpainted landing. This whole staircase used to have carpet... you know that burnt orange color that was in about 30 years ago...yeah, that color. We took it off quite a while ago (after the renters from hell left) but haven't gotten to the stairs yet. I'm tired of looking at them, so until we put hardwood (or something) on them I'm painting. This is just the primer, then I'm going to paint the risers yellow and I was thinking of terracotta to match the tile, but now I don't know. Maybe something more fun, like spring green :^).
I still have to sand the filler, then probably one more coat to make it nice and flat, then paint the landing and then the stairs at least one more time.
If you want to see what is on other design walls, go to
Judy's blog.
Wow, those stairs look like a lot of work but you will really love them when they are done.
My goodness! Those stairs are quite a job! Orange carpet eh? Hmmm... good thing you got rid of that I'm thinking :*) You're doing a great job on your quilting.
Great start to both projects!
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