Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's on My Design Wall 11-2

Here is what I have on my design wall. I have been wanting to make one of these for a while, but have been trying to get my tops quilted. I've finished a number of them, and wanted to start something new, so I've started this. I like it so far, and it's not very hard. I was expecting it to be a big production, and it's not, yay!

What a goof I am. I forgot to label the second picture, that is the fabric I cut the blocks from. I cut 3 3/4" strips, then cut the 60 degree triangles from the strip. Because I had just watched a video on line about cutting triangles for hexagons, I moved the template up, so the tip of the triangle template hangs over the top of the strip by 1/4". This leaves the top flat, so it's much easier to match the sides. I sew from the wide edge up to the tip for each half hexagon, and it goes very quickly. I also have a wallpaper seam roller I use to 'press' open the seams. I've attached a link so you can see what I mean. I always press my seams open, and because I'm using this tool, I don't have to use the iron, which saves time too.


Allie said...

Well it sure LOOKS like a big production - that's amazing! Very beautiful!

Kaleena said...

how in the world did you do that?? incredible!

Joyce said...

It's gorgeous. I've made two of them and have fabric for a third. I always get comments about how difficult it must have been. I love quilts that are easy but look hard!

Dianne B. in England said...

That is so beautiful! and it does look difficult...

Unknown said...

WOW, that is so cool! Do you have a picture of the fabric you made it from?

Howdy said...

Mmmm very pretty!

Quilter Kathy said...

This is it!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's beautiful! Can hardly believe it's NOT a big production (I could probably turn it into one, knowing me!)

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Beautiful! I love it and the inspiration photo.

Judy D in WA said...

I sat across from a gal last weekend that was working on one....I wasn't going to do it. But!! I now must go shopping for fabric for one or 5! The ones I saw were amazing. Yours is going to be stunning and I can't wait to see it finished.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful -I like the way you have put the blocks up so it moves from light to dark...

swooze said...

Love it!

Mary-Kay said...

Wow! It looks like winter snowflakes. I would have never thought that it was that fabric. Great job!

Marla said...

Pretty. i LOVE the use of your bluebonnet fabric. It looks great! I only made one stack n whack or kaleidescope quilt and found it a big production and not much fun!!! The result is worthwhile but I found it tedious.

Marilyn said...

Your One Block Wonder is wonderful! I love your fabric choice. I really really want to make one of these soon.

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the bluebonnet fabric is still available today and if so where? LOVE it!!


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