My honey loves Aloha shirts and we're going to Hawaii on Friday so I'm going to try to make him a couple more. The top three fabrics in the top pic I just picked up in California for $2.98 per yard. It's a great fabric store in Anaheim called L & M. They have a sister store in Fountain Valley called Jenny's. Don't go in unless you have lots and lots of time. The fabrics in the front of the store are regular priced, those in the back are discounted. If you really feel like a hunter, go through the flat fold stacks. There are shelves and shelves and shelves of it.
I had one shirt already cut out--the second pic, so am doing that one first. I can usually make one of these in about 1 1/2 hours--so off I go. Don't think there will be much quilting this week!